Process: Contemporary Craftsman
Since founding RoTo Architects in Los Angeles in 1991, Michael Rotondi has led diverse projects that include restaurants, retail spaces, and private residences both locally and internationally. Taking a closer look at projects from across forty years, these process books span the time between conception and creation - from sketch to renders and beyond - providing a deeper glimpse into an integrative process that combines constant trans-disciplinary learning and adaptation with realization and practice. "Our approach is to know the place, the people, the resources, and then the architecture emerges. Life gives Form to Architecture."
Contemporary Craftsman
The clients requested a residence with an interior courtyard and separate art studio in the heart of a historic part of Los Angeles. Our objective was to design an authentic Architecture, compatible with the neighborhood, true to the principles of the local Preservation Plan, and keeping the Craftsman Aesthetic alive and vital in the present and into the future. we sought to develop a concept that is respectful to its contributing neighbors while maintaining its own individuality and embodiment of both the historical style and style of the homeowners.

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