Jul 30, 2021SYLLABI : SCI-Arc Spring '18 - Free Agent NationA board game and project to facilitate Free Agency in the workplace
May 4, 2021SYLLABI : SCI-Arc Fall '19 - Leaping Across Disciplinary Silos'Leaping Across Disciplinary Silos' : Students design an Escape Room, and an R&D workshop for cross-sector collaborators.
May 4, 2021PODCAST : Practice DisruptedNels Long discusses technology as a disruptor to the industry of architectural practice.
May 3, 2021Michael Rotondi Opens Up About the Faith Propelling His Life and WorkArchitect Magazine interviews Michael about venturing beyond an intellectual practice.
Sep 3, 2020The Fortbuilding InitiativeRotoLab originally conceived of Affinity Space as an enchanted space where people of all ages could come together and learn through play....
Apr 24, 2020Workplace Wellness and Productivity"The Integrated Benefits Institute estimates that health-related productivity losses cost U.S. employers over $225 billion annually."
Apr 23, 2020Optimizing Buildings to Promote HealthWe must ensure people feel (and are) safe going back to the workplace, to restaurants and retail places, or communing in public spaces.
Apr 22, 2020Second Studio : VR for global design collaborationsRoTo has released opensource VR software for remote #collaboration called Second Studio.